●) Cell phone detector

Cell phone detector

Circuit Components:

V1 = 12V
L1 = 10uH
R1 = 100Ohms
C1 = 100nF
R2 = 100K
R3 = 3K
Q1 = BC547
R4 = 200 Ohms
R5 = 100 Ohms
IC1= LM339
R6 = 10 Ohms
LED = Blue LED

Detector Circuit Design:

The detector circuit consists of an inductor, diode, a capacitor and a resistor.  Here an inductor value of 10uH is chosen. A Schottky diode BAT54 is chosen as the detector diode, which can rectify low frequency AC signal. The filter capacitor chosen in a 100nF ceramic capacitor, used to filter out AC ripples. A load resistor of 100 Ohms is used.

Amplifier Circuit Design:

Here a simple BJT BC547 is used in common emitter mode. Since the output signal is of low value, the emitter resistor is not required in this case. The collector resistor value is determined by the value of battery voltage, collector emitter voltage and collector current. Now the battery voltage is chosen to be 12 V (since maximum open source collector emitter voltage for BC 547 is 45V), operating point collector emitter voltage is 5 V and collector current is 2 mA. This gives a collector resistor of approx 3 K. Thus a 3 K resistor is used as Rc. The input resistor is used to provide bias to the transistor and should be of larger value, so as to prevent the flow of maximum current. Here we chose a resistor value of 100 K.

The collector resistor value is determined by the value of battery voltage, collector emitter voltage and collector current. Now the battery voltage is chosen to be 12 V (since maximum open source collector emitter voltage for BC 547 is 45V), operating point collector emitter voltage is 5 V and collector current is 2 mA. This gives a collector resistor of approx 3 K. Thus a 3 K resistor is used as Rc. The input resistor is used to provide bias to the transistor and should be of larger value, so as to prevent the flow of maximum current. Here we chose a resistor value of 100 K.


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